Single Mom'In & Milestones

I just learned that in addition to all the PARENTING all the FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES, all the HOUSEHOLD CHORES, all the HARD DECISIONS, I also have to handle all the MILESTONES ALONE!. Being Single isn't my jam, I'm somewhere between patiently waiting for God to bring me my partner (the one who isn't easily distracted) and reciting Ciara's prayer daily. The Bible (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 to be exact) says two is better than one because they have a good reward for their labor, for if one falls the other will lift them up, but woe to them that are alone for when they fall they have no one to lift them up. WOE IS ME! A few days ago my son reach a milestone that I wasn't prepared for him to reach this soon, so of course I was unprepared and completely freaked out. Although God has yet to send me my God fearing, hard working, handsome, smart, funny, captivating, open minded, open hearted, and most importantly not easily distracted husband as of yet, God did give me an independent, loving, caring, smart, funny, (I could obviously go on and on) son that was able to not only take charge in this milestone that shook me to my core, but also kept me together and made sure I was calm and ok. I am extremely grateful that I have been present for all his milestones, but I'm definitely going to have to start saying Ciara's & Nicole Ari Parker's Prayers twice a day in the hopes that I have someone prior to the next milestone. 
Photos of this core shaking milestone below.
Until next time, Stay Lit.
We're In Shock!!!!
My Baby Loss his 1st Tooth!!!
I am aware that age 4 is a bit soon to lose his 1st tooth it has been confirmed by a Dentist this was due to a previous incident however a loss is a loss so still considered a milestone*

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